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Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery and Collaborative Leadership

Monday, February 21, 2022
Event Time 05:00 p.m. - 06:30 p.m. PT
Location Zoom
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Join us for 80 days (January 30-April 22, 2022) of Practice

Applying Principles of Love and Wisdom to Daily Life

Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery and Collaborative Leadership



HOSTED BY Kenn Burrows and Amber Yang, The Holistic Health Learning Center (HHLC), part of The Institute for Holistic Health Studies, Department of Recreation, Parks, Tourism and Holistic Health.

Kenn Burrows (he/him) has been an educator and consultant for over 40 years, teaching Holistic Health Studies at San Francisco State University since 1991. He has hosted the Gandhi-King Season for Nonviolence on the SFSU campus the last 20 years. He is also a member of the Executive Board overseeing Project Censored, a national effort educating the public about media literacy and the importance of independent (vs. corporate) news. With media literacy we learn to question what lies behind the news we read—the underlying factors that shape what we see... and don't see—the motives, the money and the ownership of news systems driving the global consumer society.

Amber Yang (she/her) is the Restorative Justice Specialist and Wellness Coordinator of a high school in Marin County. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, a certificate in Holistic Health Studies from San Francisco State, and a master's degree in Organizational Development and Change from Sonoma State. She is also involved in numerous non-profit organizations including the Center for Ecological Options, where she works to advocate for balanced and wise use of technology, and Project Censored, a grassroots media group where she has written numerous stories and co-created a journalism model, Constructive News and The Mindful Media Movement - highlighting solutions, community empowerment, positive storytelling, and the common good.

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